Attorney General

I would like to welcome you to the website of the Government Law Offices (‘GLO’) which is being launched on Wednesday 24 October 2018.

We have striven to consolidate, and have ready for this day, a core set of documents and information in order to get the website going. The site will be developed further as we go along and any comments or suggestions from users are welcome.

The site explains the functioning of the GLO and the work carried out by each of its four Offices, the Office of Parliamentary Counsel, the Office of Advisory Counsel, the Office of Criminal Prosecution and Litigation and the Administration and Gazette Office.

It gives you access to the Constitution and Laws of Gibraltar as well as Gibraltar case law.

It contains a section on EU law and Brexit which explains Gibraltar’s status under EU law, provides links to the major judgments delivered by the Luxembourg and Strasbourg Courts in relation to Gibraltar and sets out the main public documents on Brexit.


The section on International Law explains Gibraltar’s status under public international law and provides links to the speeches delivered by Gibraltar’s Chief Ministers and Leaders of the Opposition before the UN’s Committee of 24 (Special Committee on Decolonisation) and Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonisation Committee).

I hope you find our website helpful.

Michael Llamas CMG KC
HM Attorney General for Gibraltar